Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Je ne parle pas francais

Today is just another day, another hour, another minute, another second. Work is annoyingly poking me in the back. oh wait, thats that back ache you get when you slouch over a computer for so long. But while my mind drifts away now and then, i think im a pretty good asset to this company. I may not pay attention or remember things all the time (i have terrible memory) but i do get my work done, and i contribute my ideas and thoughts when i can. My boss is one hell of a women. She is extremely organized and clean. i love her because shes like a asian hippie stuck in the body of a crazy french Canadian woman. I had a dream about my co-worker last night. It was extremely strange. His mom was walking with us. My imagination had created a vision of what his mom would look like, i've never met the woman. It amazes me how the mind works. How particular the brain is about picking out memories. Its almost as if the brain is a separate body, making decisions on whether you should remember that persons name you just met, or if you should take a step forward. It is a complicated and fascinating aspect of life. Do not even get me started on animal's brains. A brain is a brain and of course we all know that, but wouldnt it be astounding to raise a dog as a person. If a person can be raised as a dog, by dogs, then how could it be impossible for a dog to be a human. Then again it seems like we make our pets part of our family and by doing so they are our best friends, companions, almost human.
Looking forward to LA fashion week march 17-24

heres a random outfit-- Hat, Glasses, lace bra, thigh high socks, and skirt: American Apparel. Cardigan Sweater: High school uniform. Top: Goodwill. Belt: Kimski (vintage). Coral necklace: MaMa